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Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Revell Robotech VF-1D GUARDIAN Defender / MACROSS Series from the 80s

I came upon this kit in one of my favorite small toyshops, a real life toy shop hidden in a remote city with a LOT of old toys....

This kit is from the early 80's and is Made in Japan. Its described as a Macross Tatsunoko Production.

I am very intrigued by this model particularly since I was not from the Macross era. I was more from the Gigantor era heh heh. Right now the model is sealed, probably its original 80s shrinkwrap bit if this is not sold soon, my curiosity will get the best of me and I will really have to take a peek inside the box.

This Revell Robotech VF-1D is posted on Ebay.ph. Someone buy it quick before I open it!

As always here are a few links to information about the Robotech series:

Here we have a Wikipedia article about the Robotech Defenders

Here is another enthusiast page about the Defenders

And this all originated from the Robotech comics so here is trusty Wikipedia with the Robotech Comics article

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